5 Best Apps to make you enjoy Twitter


Filter out Inactive and Fake users on your Twitter account Use this follow app to effectively manage your Twitter account and get so much...

Filter out Inactive and Fake users on your Twitter account

Use this follow app to effectively manage your Twitter account and get so much insight. It's free to use, fast, accurate and extremely intuitive.So next time you asked yourself 'Who unfollowed me on Twitter?' or 'Who are my fans?' or 'Who are my new followers?' or who should i unfollow?, just use the Unfollow or Follow for Twitter Growth. It will answer those question plus more. You'll like it instantly.
 filter out fake twitters users
 1.) Followers Tool for Twitter:

This application helps users to manage their follows and followings providing them detailed graphics.

Main Features:

* Unfollow without limits
* Tracking new follows,
* Tracking new followed-bys,
* Tracking lost follows,
* Tracking lost followed-bys,
* Showing fans,
* Showing users that are not following you,
* Showing mutual friends,


* Total number of posts and its trend,
* Total number of likes and its trend,
* Total number of comments and its trend,
* Total number of follows and its trend,
* Total number of followed-bys and its trend

Download here (playstore)

 twitter tool
2.) Statusbrew: Schedule Posts, Know Twitter Followers:

Share and Schedule posts for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ all from a single dashboard. 

You can easily share any text, image or a link by adding it to queue. Your posts will be automatically scheduled and posted to your favorite social networks. You can also add a custom schedule or post now from the app itself.

What’s more? Find new Followers, Unfollowers for Twitter and get Analytical Insights for all Social Profiles*. 

Statusbrew makes social media management easy for businesses, marketers, music and theatre artists, writers, influencers, freelancers and individuals.

What do we offer:
For Twitter,
• Filter out Inactive and Fake users with our smart Quick Filters.
• Unfollow those who don't follow back.
• Whitelist users you wouldn’t want to unfollow by mistake.

For all your Social Media publishing:
• Create and manage multiple posting Schedule to target users in various time zones.
• Schedule your posts using Custom time to schedule for specific events or campaigns.
• Design and view your Instagram marketing plan in the Publish Planner.
• Get push notifications when your post is ready to be published on Instagram.
• Use Android's native "Share to" feature, to schedule your posts from any app or browser!

Statusbrew is free, but you can easily upgrade within the app.

Free Plan Features: 
- Connect up to 1 profile for each Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+.
- Schedule up to 10 posts per social profile.
- Check Twitter followers, unfollowers.
- 10 follow, 10 unfollow and 5 block/unblock Twitter actions per day.

Aviator Plan Features:
- Connect up to any 5 social network profiles.
- Unlimited follow/unfollow actions for Twitter (as per Twitter guidelines).
- Filter to Exclude Twitter users you’ve followed recently.
- Schedule up to 100 posts per social profile
- Insights* where you can see how your many people follow/unfollow you after each media that you post. Also, keep an in-depth check on the engagement rate for your media.

Download here (playstore)

 twitter tool

3.) Followers+ for Twitter
Discover who unfollowed you on Twitter and who is not following you back, track new followers, find mutual friends, view fans and more ...

Use Followers+ app so that you can guard your Twitter account and get so much insight. It's fast, accurate and extremely intuitive. Tracking your followers on Twitter is almost instantaneous. This app will not only detect unfollowers, it will also make them think twice before unfollowing you. Just let them know that you're using Followers+ Twitter followers checker.

- Login using Twitter account
- Retrieve lists of followers and following
- Detect new followers + unfollowers
- Detect non-followers
- Detect mutual friends and fans
- Follow/unfollow users
- Show user profiles
- Support accounts up to 75,000 followers
- Support multiple accounts

So next time you asked yourself 'Who unfollowed me on Twitter?', just use Followers+. It will answer this question plus more. You'll like it instantly.

If you get featured on Followers+, you can gain more followers on Twitter very quickly.

This app is brought to you by the developers of InstaFollow for Instagram, the most popular Followers tracker app for Instagram.

Find out who your best friends on Instagram are using our InstaBestFriends app. You can also generate 'My Best Friends' cards for sharing on Instagram.
Download here (playstore)

 twitter tool

4.) UnFollow For Twitter
By this app, Follow user who you not followed and unfollow unfollower who not follow you back.

It is very easy for you to use it.

First, you should login with your twitter account.

Second, in the main page, you can click the "Follow" button or the "UnFollow" button.

When you clicked the Follow button, you will get followers list, and click one item of them, you will

get a list of users who you not followed. Just follow them if you like.

When you clicked the UnFollow button, you will get a list of unfollowers who not follow you back, 

Just click the "UnFollow" button to unfollow them.

Is it very wonderful for you ? 

It is free for you to install it and using it!
Download here (playstore)

 twitter tool

5.) Unfollow for Twitter
Unfollow or Follow for Twitter is the best tool to track non followers, recent unfollowers, followers, etc on your twitter account.

This is the best tool to manage your twitter account and grow your twitter followers. It is a free light-weight tool to find out who unfollowed you on twitter. You can even find out who are your fans and who your recent followers or unfollowers are.

Features of Unfollow or Follow for Twitter Growth-

• Non-Followers: Find users whom you follow but who do not follow you back. And you can just unfollow them from the app.

• Fans: Find your twitter followers whom you do not follow back. And you can follow them directly from the app.

• Recent Unfollowers & Followers: Find twitter users who followed or unfollowed you recently.

Use this follow app to effectively manage your Twitter account and get so much insight. It's free to use, fast, accurate and extremely intuitive.

So next time you asked yourself 'Who unfollowed me on Twitter?' or 'Who are my fans?' or 'Who are my new followers?', just use the Unfollow or Follow for Twitter Growth. It will answer those question plus more. You'll like it instantly.
Download here (playstore)

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Your Password to Exploit the Tech World: 5 Best Apps to make you enjoy Twitter
5 Best Apps to make you enjoy Twitter
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